Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My Return to Work

I'm so thankful that I've had the last 3 1/2 months off. Xavier and I have had lots of wonderful bonding time during our week days together. My time at home has made the transition to a family of four easier and lessened the challenges of sleep deprivation.

Now it's time to prepare for my return to work in less than 2 weeks. My first day back is the 31st. I have a few things I hope to accomplishe before then. I'm working on clearing out the clutter on our 3 season porch and our mudroom/storage room as well as some spring cleaning. One of my "secret" passions is organizing so I actually am looking forward to this work. I also convinced Christian to put the TV in the downstairs bedroom so we can turn the family room into a playroom. Christian says he's looking forward to me returning to work so that I stop thinking of ideas that mean work for him. How was I supposed to know it would take 3 hours to move (and hook up) the television? :)

We found a wonderful woman named Cassi who will care for Xavier in our home while I'm at work. She'll bring her 20 month old son so Xavier will have another little boy around the house. I am thrilled to have found her.

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